It is NOT a day for fireworks, in spite of what you'd say if you were sitting next to me...there are a few dipsticks who are setting off boomers. Luckily, we have the house closed up, A/C running, and the fans going. The sounds are muffled and the dogs are quiet. So far.
It's kind of an oxymoron to say "Happy Memorial Day" when it's actually a day to mourn those who are no longer with us. It's important to pay attention to that kind of stuff.

Don't be Typhoid Mary. I mean, for the love of heaven: You wear a mask for a 45-minute trip to the grocery store. It's not like you're totally sealed in PPE for a 12-hour shift. Get over yourself and grow up.
I tried something new with the masks, but I only did it on one mask. A "floating" nose wire. As you can see, I encased my pipe cleaner in the fabric I'd usually sew in place. Technically, I could've left the short sides open - so you could replace the wire. But I sewed it up.

My 2 cents? That COVIDIOT in the White House can't "order" the governors to open up the churches. It's a tiny little thing called the 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
It's an issue that conservatives screamed bloody murder about when President Obama was trying to enact legislation around the ACA... States Rights. The rights of the states to do certain things with no input by the Federal government.
But apparently, that only matters when the black guy is in the White House.

Not when the Mango Mussolini is trying to tear our country apart.
So. My church is obeying our Bishop. And we're looking at maybe...MAYBE.... late June or early July. If the state moves past Phase 3. We're just going into Phase 3 and the thing is, we could backslide if people aren't careful.

These 4 are going to Colorado, to Kid #1. Notice the "snowflake" patch? He requested that on each of the masks. Because he's tired of petulant morons telling him that he's a "snowflake" for wearing a mask.
Kid #1 wields a welding torch and handles large pieces of plate steel. Not someone you want to annoy. Or call a "snowflake." He's got an awesome sense of humor and will, quite deftly, insult you if needed and you won't notice...I wonder where he got that skill from. Oh wait. No I don't wonder. That's my kid.
I'm going to be sewing the plainer masks (like those I showed you in the last blog entry) for church. So far, we have guidelines that limit us to 10 people - which we're having to grapple with in terms of "walk-ins." Same thing I'm dealing with in regard to when my yoga studio finally opens.

I'm giving myself a break from sewing for about a week. I'm just saying that, of course; I'll probably be back to sewing masks in a few days. It just feels like I need a week off from the machine. And the material. And the production sewing.
I'm not cut out (see what I did there??) to just sew and sew and sew the same thing over and over again. That's why I could probably never have an Etsy shop. Unless it was something like this: "I'll make you a mask. You get what I send you."
Breathe & Hope Shawl...

I'm on Section 4 - there are 10 sections. And this one is taking me a few days. It's a 4-row repeat and I've got 7 more repeats to go. It's coming along.
And now that I know that the wavy parts will even out, I'm happier. I can see myself doing this one again a couple of times. I'd like to finish this one, see how it goes and perhaps do another one for Christmas.
It's not going to be a small one; it'll be a snuggly size. And it's sock yarn, so it's going to be warm, but not too bulky.
I'd like to do a grey one - grey as the base. But I'm not sure what the contrast would be. Cream would be lovely, you think? Or a speckle of some sort with lots of colors? I'll have to puddle around at my LYS's website to see what I can find.
But not now. This one has to be done first.
Pictures From Today...
Today, Hubby and I went out. We haven't been "out" as in "anywhere together in public" since the shelter-in-place orders. It's just that we believe in obeying the rules... But we went out today to the I & M Canal trail. We wanted to go somewhere to take pictures, but it looked like a storm was moving actually didn't, but that's ok.
It was hot & humid; I did have my mask for the few times I encountered someone else, but golly, it was steamy! And yeah, I know, that's a complaint. But I'm still going to wear it in public.
There were some flowers. I'm not sure what they are, but they were along the bank of the canal. Anyone know what they are?
They were pretty.
There was a robin. He was right next to us, so sorry - it's a little blurry. I had the telephoto lens on and if I'd had sense, I'd have used my phone's camera. But I didn't want to scare him off.
Apparently, he wasn't scared -- he was hungry. He actually stood there till we passed, then hopped over to the mud and grabbed a worm. Circle of life, I guess!
And then there was the old lock. This dates way back - like to the late 1800s.
The bridge is, of course, a new addition; it's part of the trail. The canal used to have a tow-path and there were mules hauling the barges. The Canal Trail is amazing. Our section in Lockport is in the history section of that town.
For the shot on the left, I was straddling a tree. Hubby wasn't happy... I was definitely challenging my own balance!
But look at the stones... Imagine if they could talk. What stories would they tell? Would we want to listen?
Because it is very true: those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it.
And right now? With COVID-19 on the rampage? We have to study history (see the 1918 Flu Epidemic again) and be sure to not be in a rush to "get back to normal." Because normal now isn't what it was. And it shouldn't be.
Random Picture...

I answered: Nope. Her Majesty has needs...and right now she needs a belly rub.
Since I've been home, she's been very happy to push her agenda on me. And I've been happy to oblige. I think a lot of our pets are going to have some problems when (or if) we get back to regular work habits. Lucky for me, I'm scheduled to be out of the office "for the near future" so the dogs will be happy.
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