So this past weekend, I started my teacher training - the 200-hour certification for teaching Yoga, at Prairie Yoga in Lisle.
And it was a doozy of a weekend! There are about 20 of us in this class - their largest so far. We're crammed cheek-to-jowl into a fairly spacious studio, and I kind of say that in jest because my local teacher tells me that in India, you're lucky if there's a whole 3" between mats. This weekend, we had nearly a foot between mats! That being said, I also learned what to pack: a light lunch, but not just a granola bar, thank you. And bring your own tea mug. I settled on a green smoothie and some almonds. Just enough because you can't -- or at least *I* can't - practice yoga on a full tummy.
It was a very intense weekend, but not without its humor and lots and LOTS of Yoga and learning. I'm up to my eyeballs in homework, and waiting on login instructions so I can submit it.
I've been subbing for my regular studio and it's been fun. I'll be assisting my teacher, as we have to assist & observe for training.
The training is fairly tough. This isn't one of those "learn to teach yoga in a weekend" seminars. It's a 10-month program. On top of the cost, there's just the sheer amount of work. We are there from 11:30 - 6 p.m Saturday and Sunday of the trainings, and then we have extra "master classes" we have to attend. A textbook about 2" thick and a number of other books, including those on theory and anatomy.
Oh, and we get to learn Sanskrit. And I did more downward dogs (excuse me: Adho Mukha Svasana) than I'd done in a long, long time. I guess it's a good thing I grew up speaking Polish and we use Latin every week in church!
I really do enjoy the teaching aspect, and I love the fact that we can make Yoga accessible to all who are willing to try it.
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