Well, it's been nearly a month, and I didn't mean it to be that long.
I guess I should go in some sort of order. The teacher training is kicking my sit-bones, in a good way. Therapeutics has always challenged me, though our population at the studio seems to trend toward those that can use that kind of yoga. I just have to get more confident.
I finished my second body study, wrote it up and submitted it. I have a case study due at the end of the month, and I have an assignment for my apprenticeship. That goes first, then the case study.
No wonder that this module is considered the hardest one. I'd rather do 6 months of Sanskrit and Philosophy.
By the way, I'm experimenting. I've changed fonts - not sure what your computer will show you, so please comment and let me know. So. On to...
Ruth Bader Ginsberg is dead. The entire nation just about collapsed in short order; it's amazing what we put on this tiny, courageous woman's shoulders. Her final wish was that her replacement not be chosen til after the election. Of course, Trumpenfuhrer et al steamrolled over that before Ruthie was cold. Choosing a woman who was on the Federal bench for about 45 seconds, who's pro-life (which is actually only pro-fetus), has a bunch of kids and belongs to this weirdo religious group (which she FAILED to disclose on her paperwork for appointment to the Federal bench, by the way) which believes that the man is the head of the home and should direct the woman in all things.Just how did she get to law school? Oh, and her "goal" is "to bring the country to the Kingdom of God." Ummmmmmm. Treaty of Trent, anyone? We are not now, and never have been, a nation founded upon the Christian religion. So sayeth Thomas Jefferson.
And on top of that, the GOP then accuses the DEMS of wanting to "pack the court." Just what, please explain to me, are THEY doing shoving this Handmaid down our collective throats, and why does Clementine get to do this when Merrick Garland was refused even a meeting, in the Obama years? No, you don't have to answer, I know what it is. It's the Black Guy in the White House. A/K/A Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Then, Karma came along.
After a disasterous debate ... um, "debate" performance, in which Clementine was all sound and fury and Chris Wallace was unable to yank his choke chain hard enough, and even Biden snapped - a "debate" in which it was reported that Clementine simply wanted to rattle Biden enough to cause him to stutter, thus being able to cull out-of-context video clips showing him to be "stupid," because those of us who stutter are often called "stupid" (you shouldn't get me started on this)...and they failed...
It was disclosed that Trumpenfuhrer's assistant, the young Ms. Hicks, was positive for COVID-19. After which they started dropping like flies. Suspiciously, after a "super-spreader event" in the "Now Not a Rose Garden" where nearly 200 people were crammed in to meet RBG's supposed replacement, sans masks.
It was disclosed that the medical team, after flying Clementine to Walter Reed, had claimed that he was "72 hours in" to his COVID diagnosis. Which means he knew - or suspected - that he had it during the debate. During which time he was out of control raving, and during which time his ENTIRE mendacious crime family sat in the arena maskless, against Cleveland Clinic rules. Which, by the way, someone should've bounced the lot of 'em. What could he have done? Closed the place?
As he's being airlifted to Walter Reed, nobody bothers to tell Nancy Pelosi, who's 3rd from the throne, as it were. She's supposed to know stuff like that.
And a good percentage of Americans think this is a tremendous hoax in and of itself. We've been gaslighted so often by this administration that we really don't know what to believe. Though when he got sent to Walter Reed, I started to believe that it was "real." Walter Reed wouldn't go along with some political stunt, even for this guy. While anonymous (which seems how we get any information), a source has said his breathing is labored. I am struggling to find the balance between "karma" and "kindness." I don't want to be overly sanctimonious, but I am battling my "angels" for this.
Do I wish him dead? No. Honestly, I don't. I wish him miserable. I wish him to achieve (though I know it's like peeing into the wind) a shred of humanity and humility. I wish him a landslide loss in the upcoming election. I wish him humiliation and a prison sentence for his crimes, which are multitude, and I'm only counting the ones since he's been in office.
The right all want us (the left/Libs) to "have compassion" for Trumpenfuhrer...though he callously had/has no compassion for over 200,000 dead. They're screaming for Biden to suspend his campaign.
You know - much like Clementine suspended his when Hillary came down with pneumonia. You remember that, right? Because if you do, you are truly living in an alternative universe. Because it never happened. He doubled down, mocked her and called her "too old."
On top of that, we are under the spell of the first of the October full moons (there will be two) and, this being Illinois, we can't really see it because it's raining. I saw it before it reached full power. One day...
So I'm moving along nicely on the Feather & Fan Variation for the Car Seat Blanket. I'm using the same yarn I used for the Wedding Afghan but it's not for the wedding couple. If I get a Happy Announcement from them, I'll just order more. This is for a friend of mine.
The pattern is actually from The Linus Project, and it's a 3-row variation on the Feather & Fan which is super-easy to memorize. I can see this being a nifty scarf or shawl. But not now. I'd thought about one colorway and then I rearranged after I laid things out. It moves along fairly quickly, and I like it because it's light enough to sling over a car seat so that, in the event the parents can take The Peanut out into public EVER, and it's air-conditioned or chilly, it will be warm enough, but lacy enough to not feel like it's smothering. I love the color combo, but you know by now that I really adore a "sophisticated" palette for a baby. I like bold colors, strong patterns.
I will use "traditional" colors if I know mom prefers it. But I don't ask. If I'm told, then that's different. If I'm not told, they get what I knit.
I also have completed the hats and have given 2 of them to my pseudo-nephew and he looks stinkin' adorable!! As you may recall, I used the colors from his baby layette and then I used his mom's favorite color. The hats are for a one-year old, and this kid has a HUGE head! It may be that I knit him a hat a year. We'll see... This was part of my "hat binge." I'm over it now, thanks. I also did a batch of "Ear Savers" that I brought to yoga training. And in that move, saved the lives of several trainees...Kidding; but they did love them. And I'm glad I could just do that for them. Tomorrow, I absolutely MUST pull out Kid #2's afghan and get cracking on that. The Peanut isn't due till January, but I totally, really, REALLY must have that afghan done for Christmas for The Kid. I promised and I should have been doing that during the shut-down instead of baking bread. I wouldn't have gained 20 pounds...and I've had had it off my list finally and could with no guilt actually knit for myself.
The book has not only been launched, it's in the top 10 nationally and INTERNATIONALLY in Holistic Health. So technically, I am an international best-selling author!! I got my author copies today, did a little "let's open the box" video and posted it. The book is available here on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback versions, and it's a great resource. If you want an autographed copy, drop me a comment and I'll ship it to you in the US (shipping on me, but I can't ship overseas at this time). All the volumes are really good resources; even if a topic seems to be repeated, there's always a different slant on it. Because each of us is a subject-matter expert, we often give our own techniques. So, if in Volume 1 you see a chapter on breathing, that's cool - because my chapter on breathing in Volume 3 is different. So now you have TWO tools for breathing.
I'm really pleased to offer the tool I offer, and I think you'll like the other chapters in the book. The good thing is, you don't have to read cover-to-cover. You can look at the table of contents and check out whichever chapter strikes you. We each tell you why we talk about what we do, and it's quite interesting to read some of the stories.
One of the stories that hit me particularly in the heart was my friend Jen's journey through the pain of infertility. I know so many women who've trod that path. Much of society tells us that motherhood is the be-all and end-all. And somehow, we as women are penalized if we can't carry a pregnancy through to completion or if we can't get pregnant at all. Jen's story will resonate with so many people, and I hope help them as well. And that's just her chapter. Hopefully, you will also enjoy mine, Chapter 6: Inhale. Exhale. Repeat. Yep, it's that simple. And that difficult. I lead you through a breathing technique and visualization meditation that you can start right this moment, and "grow into," so to speak, as your practice starts to grow.
And...when you purchase the book, you get access to a Facebook group wherein ALL the authors will periodically offer workshops and sessions, interviews, Q & A and more!
With the new Blogger (which, by the way, I really still dislike, except for the cool fonts which I hope translate to you, the reader), I would normally have a picture stuck here and then I'd write about it. But this way, I have to write first, then insert picture after.
Not liking that at all. And on top of that, my "camera roll" function on the phone and One Drive seem to be going all wonky. So the picture I kind of had in mind? I'm not exactly sure where it went to...
Did I tell you that I adore technology??? Yeah. Not.
Anyway - in remembrance of When We Use to Have Family Holidays, these are Avocado Deviled Eggs which I made for last Easter. Which my sister, who adores deviled eggs, wouldn't eat because she claims to be allergic to avocado. I have never heard that, but I'm not one to mess with her gut, seeing as she's usually got a raging case of IBS and I'm not willing to put her in any more angst.
So technically, I owe her a dozen "regular" deviled eggs. Someday. When we are all able to meet as a family. Or I drive to her house and drop 'em off.
Want to do yoga but don't have a studio near you? Sign up for our subscription service. We've extended the Senior Discount price of $89 per month through November. And the Premier All-Access Subscriber rate is $129/month for all the yoga you want to do.
www.just-breatheyoga.com or call/text us at (815) 546-2770
Email at info@just-breatheyoga.com